Personal Care / Grooming

All bathrooms are bright and roomy, as well as wheelchair accessible. There’s plenty of room for personal items, toiletries and other special products. Showers and toilets are fitted with grab bars and other safety features.

Ensuring our residents are well-groomed and looking their best is one of our highest priorities. For example, a resident should never the bathroom with wet hair. We help them dry, curl and brush before sending them on their way. We want our residents to always feel good about themselves and have confidence in the way they look.


Our Service Providers encourage each resident to maintain the ability to perform their own activities of daily living. Skills such as toileting, grooming, exercise, nutrition, activities and social interaction are implemented throughout each day by our activity coordinator

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Dear Nurses,

As a nurse down through the years, I’ve had experience with all kinds of nursing homes. Must say I’ve never know one so wonderful to their patients. Laura was happy there and I’m so grateful for all you did to make it so for her. It was dear of you to have come to her services.

Love, Annie Laurie Nielsen